Project Details

Project Problem

As consultants we have a very fast paced lifestyle, different companies, clients and environments. The problem came in when juggling all this information through thousands of excel sheets and word documents for each of these clients. It was also a problem when we must train each participant in the various departments with different training events. It was too much in terms of finding available dates for each participant, an available venue and who the facilitator will be. All of this was overwhelming especially opening many spreadsheets finding all this information and coordinating properly with everyone and physically going to set up meetings with participants.

When storing information (participants details) we kept it all on one excel sheet – problems arose when we had participants moving or being replaced or even resigning. It was tough removing someone and all their details and information as well as finding someone to replace them and inserting their details. It made it hard to keep up with all the updates and putting so much information into one document.

In terms of training events and assessments – all the assessments and attendance were hard copies, which made it difficult to file it as well as it got lost with the continuous movement in some of the companies. Keeping track of attendance was difficult as we lost a file of the attendance throughout the year and we had to track it down from old pictures in WhatsApp groups from various facilitators, after getting all the information we had to create an excel sheet to put everyone’s attendance.

Project Solution

Allegiance helped us develop a digital system to basically take all our problems and make it simple. By having this system – we can put everyone’s information where we are able to see it on one screen even when they leave or get replaced it's easier to fill that position. We have a place where we track everyone’s attendance and performance through each person’s portfolio which includes all their assessments, training attendance and scores which can be generated in a pdf/excel format. We can create events with dates for participants that are already there as well as the venues and facilitators, and it also sends notifications when an event is created. Everything is straight forward with just a few clicks which avoids us wasting time and searching through documents.

See it in action